Choose the item(s) you want to buy and add them to your basket. Once you have confirmed that you have all the items you want in your basket, click on continue. If you are a registered customer, log in, otherwise register on our website. On the checkout page, choose your delivery method and payment type and finalise your order. You will receive an e-mail with the order form in your inbox. When we confirm the availability of your item in our warehouse, you will receive a second e-mail with this information.
Find answers to the most frequently asked questions here!
How do I place my order?
Can I pick up my order in store?
Yes. You can select the in-store pick-up option and choose the Sportino where you would like to receive your order. To notify you of the arrival of your order, you will be sent an e-mail with a code, which you must present when you pick it up in shop.Can I return my order?
Online orders can be returned within 14 days of receiving them.
To return your order you need to go to your customer area, select orders, click on the order you want to return and select the reason you are returning it. As for the return method, you have two options: either send it to our address or return it free of charge to one of our shops. You can receive a refund using the same payment method or you can keep a voucher to use for another purchase in the future.How long do I have to pay for my order?
Your order must be paid for on the spot, with the exception of the ATM reference method, which you will have 2 days to finalise.Can I pre-reserve items for online purchases?
We do not pre-book items. It is Sportino's policy to keep sales fair for each customer.How long will it take for my order to arrive?
Mainland Portugal (Domicile and CTT collection points) 1 to 2 working days.
Madeira (Home) 6 to 7 working days.
Azores- S. Miguel (home) 3 to 6 working days.
Azores- Santa Maria and Terceira (home) 7 to 10 working days.
Azores- Faial, Pico, Graciosa and S. Jorge (home) 7 to 12 working days.
Azores- Corvo and Flores (home) 8 to 15 working days.
Spain (Domicile) two working days.
Shop collection up to 5 working days.
During sales and promotions, delivery times may be longer than usual.
How can I track my order?
You can track your order with the tracking system, which is sent to you by e-mail as soon as the parcel has been dispatched. You can also access it in your customer area.Is the stock that appears on the website general or just online?
The stock available on the site is general and corresponds to the stock of all Sportino shops.How can I recover my password?
Before logging in, you can recover your password by clicking on ‘Forgot your password?’.
An e-mail will be sent to you with a link where you can create a new password and access the Sportino site.How do I change or cancel my order?
To change or cancel your order, please contact us by telephone on +351 262 835 124 (national landline) / +351 963 993 113 (national mobile) or by e-mail at In either case, please indicate the number of the order in question.
Can I exchange items?
Online purchases cannot be exchanged. You can return your order and if you want a different size or model, you can place a new order.Are there any costs for returning my order?
What payment methods are available?
The payment methods accepted are:
Credit Card
Multibanco Reference